
Wuling Mountain National Forest Parkk



        公司连续获评工信部“中国医药工业百强企业”;2016年获“国家知识产权示范企业”称号;在国际权威品牌价值咨询公司Brand Finance发布的2023年中国医药品牌价值排名中位列13位;公司通过了国家工信部“工业化和信息化两化融合管理体系”认证;公司中药提取中心通过国家工信部医药产业数字化项目技术评审;公司旗下两大连锁药房品牌“桐君阁大药房”和“太极大药房”多次荣获“中国商业名牌企业”、“中国连锁药店直营力百强企业”,在2019-2020年度《中国药店》价值榜100强中排名第六,综合实力100强中排名第八;公司获评“2023年度中国非处方药生产企业综合统计”第二名;2022年3月获批重庆首个“国家中医药服务出口基地”。















       太极集团将秉承“关爱生命 呵护健康”的企业理念,心怀“国药泽华夏,太极济苍生”的初心使命,紧跟国药集团“四梁八柱、百强万亿”创新驱动型全生命周期、全产业链和全生态圈的总体发展战略,遵循“做强做优做大医药健康主业”的目标定位,正源出新、精益求精,不断推进中医药现代化,努力打造世界一流的中药企业,推动中医药走向世界,为建设健康中国、实现中华民族伟大复兴的中国梦贡献国药太极力量!

About Us

        In 2021, Taiji Group Co., Ltd. (Taiji Group for short, stock code: 600129), whose history could be dated back to 1972, accomplished a strategic restructuring, becoming a member of China National Pharmaceutical Group Co., Ltd.(Sinopharm for short), one of the Fortune Global 500 company. 

        Taiji Group mainly engages in the intelligent manufacturing of modern Chinese medicine, supplemented by stupefacient and psychotropic drugs. As an important part of Sinopharm's modern Chinese medicine division, Taiji Group is committed to the inheritance and innovation of traditional Chinese medicine and the development of modern Chinese medicine. 

        Taiji Group owns 13 pharmaceutical factories, more than 20 pharmaceutical commercial companies, two pharmaceutical research institutes, more than 3,000 chain pharmacies mainly based in Sichuan and Chongqing,with 13,000 employees and a full chain mainly covering pharmaceutical research and development, industrial production, pharmaceutical sales and big health industry. 

       Taiji Group has been consecutively rated as a "Top 100 Pharmaceutical Enterprise in China" by the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology. In 2016, Taiji Group won the title of "National Intellectual Property Model Enterprise". In the China Pharmaceutical Brand Value Ranking 2023 released by Brand Finance, an authoritative international brand value consulting company, Taiji Group ranked 13th.  Taiji Group has earned the "Industrialization-Informatization Integration Management System" certification by the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology. The TCM Extraction Center has passed the technical review by the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology as a pharmaceutical industry digitization project. 

      Two chain pharmacy brands “TongJunGe Pharmacy” and “Taiji Pharmacy” have won titles of “China's Famous Commercial Enterprise” and “Top 100 Chain Pharmacy in China by Direct Sales Strength” several times, ranking 6th  in the Top 100 Value List and ranking 8th in the Top 100 Comprehensive  Strength List of 《China Drug Store》 in 2019-2020 . Taiji Group won second place in the "Comprehensive Statistics of China's OTC Drug Manufacturers in 2023". In March 2022, Taiji Group was approved as the first "National TCM Service Export Base" in Chongqing.

       In 1998, Taiji Group worked with domestic and foreign universities to establish the first batch of post-doctoral workstations in China. In 1999, Taiji Group’s Technology Center was recognized as a National Enterprise Technology Center. In recent years, Taiji Group has undertaken nearly 40 major special projects of the Ministry of Science and Technology, the National Development and Reform Commission and the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, and more than 50 provincial projects. Taiji Group has successfully developed more than 40 new drugs, obtained more than 30 national new drug certificates, and won 3 China Patent Gold Awards. Taiji Group holds 300 valid authorized patents and a total of 1,240 drug approvals, including 690 approvals for TCM drugs, 550 approvals for chemical drugs, 739 approvals for drugs covered by medical insurance, and 369 approvals for essential drugs.

      Taiji products cover six therapeutic areas, including digestive system and metabolic system drugs represented by Huo Xiang Zheng Qi Kou Fu Ye and Rosiglitazone Sodium Tablets; Respiratory system drugs represented by Ji Zhi Tang Jiang; Cardiovascular drugs represented by Dan Shen Kou Fu Ye;Anti-infective drugs represented by Ceftizoxime Sodium for Injection;Nervous system drugs represented by Tong Tian Kou Fu Ye and Morphine Hydrochloride Sustained-Release Tablets;Antitumor and immunomodulatory drugs represented by Paclitaxel Injection and Bu Shen Yi Shou Jiao Nang, as well as health products. Taiji products have a high market share. The brand and quality have won people's recognition and trust.

 Pharmaceutical Manufacturing

       In terms of TCM production, Taiji Group owns China Time-Honored Brand "TongJunGe", and a number of national, provincial, municipal, district items of intangible cultural heritage such as the "TongJunGe traditional pill production technique", in addition to a syrup production line with an annual output of 100 million bottles, an oral solution production line with an annual output of 2 billion bottles, a TCM material pre-treatment workshop and extraction and concentration workshop with an annual output of 100,000 tons. In terms of chemical drug production, Taiji Group owns a designated manufacturer of stupefacient and psychotropic drugs in southwest China, which has advanced controlled slow release technology, rapid release technology, guttate pill and slow release guttate pill technologies. In terms of TCM decoction pieces production, we have an intelligent factory with an annual output of 1,500 tons of high-quality TCM decoction pieces.

 Pharmaceutical Sales

      Taiji Group has successfully built a large pharmaceutical sales system integrating pharmaceutical retail, hospital sales, retail terminal distribution, commercial distribution, pharmaceutical import and export, pharmaceutical e-commerce, TCM sales, 3rd-party pharmaceutical logistics and other services for more than 50,000 product specifications. By virtue of  integrity, high quality and professional service, the retail business has won the trust of the public, with comprehensive competitiveness among the top drug vendors in Sichuan and Chongqing. Taiji Group has set up a number of distribution centers, with a total storage area of about 150,000 square meters, more than 200 vehicles for distribution and cold chain distribution. The distribution capacity reaches more than 100,000 terminals. Taiji Group’s subsidiary such as Tong Jun Ge Co., Ltd., is a strategic reserve unit for medical supplies in Chongqing; Tong Jun Ge Logistics & Distribution Co., Ltd., is the first qualified 3rd-party logistics enterprise for medicine and medical instruments in Chongqing, with a designed warehouse capacity of 1 million pieces and an annual throughput capacity of 20 million pieces.

 TCM Resources

      Focusing on high-quality TCM materials, Taiji Group insists on “genuine planting, full traceability”, follow the requirements of “sulfur-free, aflatoxin-free, pollution-free, whole-process traceability” and “six unification”, and control the quality of TCM materials throughout the production process through  "Taiji TCM Agriculture Full Quality Traceability Platform". Taiji Group has built more than 100,000 mu of standard planting bases for TCM materials. The planting scale of Pinellia ternata, Fagopyrum cymosum, Radix Peucedani and other single varieties is leading in the industry. We have undertaken 5 national TCM material planting and scientific research projects and 8 provincial key scientific and technological research projects. Our company has been rated as a "National Key Leading Enterprise for Agricultural Industrialization" for several times.

International Business

     Closely following the Belt and Road Initiative, Taiji Group actively explores overseas markets for TCM and promotes TCM culture. Taiji product series with 30 product specifications, including Huo Xiang Zheng Qi Kou Fu Ye、Ji Zhi Tang Jiang、Bu Shen Yi Shou Jiao Nang、Taiji E Jiao、Dan Shen Kou Fu Ye、Chuan Long Gu Ci Pian、Liu Wei Di Huang Wan (Concentrated Pills), have been registered in dozens of countries and territories, such as Singapore, Malaysia, Indonesia, Thailand, the United States, Canada, Russia, Pakistan, with 100 registration numbers.

 Big Health Industry

     Taiji Group actively implements the "Healthy China" strategy, speeds up its pace in the big health industry, combines TCM culture with ecological health preservation, and creates health products and new ecological health care projects. Taiji health products include “TAIJI”Shampoo,“TAIJI”Shower Gel, Lycopene Soft Capsule and so on. We are forming a new pattern in the big health industry chain through a number of new concept health care projects, such as Taiji Health Care Industry Base (Sinopharm International Life and Health City), Wuling Mountain National Forest Park and Kangding Cordyceps Base.

 Unshaken Original Aspiration, Constant Business Progress

     Guided by the core value of  “All for Health,Health for All”, Taiji Group keeps the original aspiration of “TCM for Huaxia, Taiji for People” in mind, follows Sinopharm's overall development strategy of innovation-driven full life cycle, full industry chain and full ecosystem with "four beams and eight pillars, top 100 + 100 trillion", stick to the target position of "stronger, better and bigger pharmaceutical and health  core business". Taiji Group innovates on heritage, seek for greater perfection, constantly promote the modernization of TCM, strives to build a world-class TCM enterprise, promote the internationalization of TCM., and contributes to the building of a healthy China and the realization of the Chinese dream of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.

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